Table of Contents

Accessing Resources in Native Images

By default, the native-image tool will not integrate any of the resources which are on the classpath during the generation into the final image. To make calls such as Class.getResource() or Class.getResourceAsStream() (or their corresponding ClassLoader methods) return specific resources (instead of null), you must specify the resources that should be accessible at run time. This can be achieved using a configuration file with the following content:

  "resources": {
    "includes": [
      {"pattern": "<Java regexp that matches resource(s) to be included in the image>"},
      {"pattern": "<another regexp>"},
    "excludes": [
      {"pattern": "<Java regexp that matches resource(s) to be excluded from the image>"},
      {"pattern": "<another regexp>"},

The configuration file’s path must be provided to native-image with -H:ResourceConfigurationFiles=/path/to/resource-config.json. Alternatively, individual resource paths can also be specified directly to native-image:

native-image -H:IncludeResources="<Java regexp that matches resources to be included in the image>" -H:ExcludeResources="<Java regexp that matches resources to be excluded from the image>" ...

The -H:IncludeResources and -H:ExcludeResources options can be passed several times to define more than one regexp to match or exclude resources, respectively.

To see which resources are included in the native executable, use the option -H:Log=registerResource:<log level>. The <log level> must be in the range from 1 to 5, from least detailed to most detailed.

Example Usage

Given this project structure:

└── src
    ├── main
    │   └──
    │       ├── Resource0.txt
    │       └── Resource1.txt
    └── resources
        ├── Resource2.txt
        └── Resource3.txt


  • All resources can be loaded with ".*/Resource.*txt$", specified as {"pattern":".*/Resource.*txt$"} in a configuration file, or -H:IncludeResources=".*/Resource.*txt$" on the command line.
  • Resource0.txt can be loaded with .*/Resource0.txt$.
  • Resource0.txt and Resource1.txt can be loaded with .*/Resource0.txt$ and .*/Resource1.txt$ (or alternatively with a single .*/(Resource0|Resource1).txt$).
  • Also, if we want to include everything except the Resource2.txt file, we can simply exclude it with -H:IncludeResources=".*/Resource.*txt$" followed by -H:ExcludeResources=".*/Resource2.txt$".

The following demo illustrates how to include a resource into a native executable. The application fortune simulates the traditional fortune Unix program (for more information, see fortune.

  1. Save the following Java code into the file:

     import java.util.ArrayList;
     import java.util.Random;
     import java.util.Scanner;
     public class Fortune {
         private static final String SEPARATOR = "%";
         private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
         private ArrayList<String> fortunes = new ArrayList<>();
         public Fortune(String path) {
             // Scan the file into the array of fortunes
             Scanner s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(path))));
             while (s.hasNext()) {
         private void printRandomFortune() throws InterruptedException {
             int r = RANDOM.nextInt(fortunes.size()); //Pick a random number
             String f = fortunes.get(r);  //Use the random number to pick a random fortune
             for (char c: f.toCharArray()) {  // Print out the fortune
         public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
             Fortune fortune = new Fortune("/fortunes.u8");
  2. Open the fortunes.u8 resource file and save it in the same directory as

  3. Compile:

  4. Build a native executable by specifying the resource path:

     $JAVA_HOME/bin/native-image Fortune -H:IncludeResources=".*u8$"
  5. Run the executable image:


See also the guide on assisted configuration of Java resources and other dynamic features.


It is also possible to specify which locales should be included in the image and what should be the default one. For example, to switch the default locale to Swiss German and also include French and English, one can use the following hosted options.

native-image -Duser.language=de -H:IncludeLocales=fr,en

The locales are specified using language tags. All locales can be included via -H:+IncludeAllLocales, but please note that it increases the size of the resulting binary.

Resource Bundles in Native Image

Java localization support (java.util.ResourceBundle) enables Java code to load L10N resources and show the right user messages suitable for actual runtime settings like time locale and format, etc.

Native Image needs ahead-of-time knowledge of the resource bundles your application needs so that it can load and store the appropriate bundles for usage in the generated binary. The bundles can be specified in the resource configuration file (see above), in the bundles section:

  "bundles": [
  "resources": <see above>

Alternatively, bundles can be specified directly as options to native-image as follows:

native-image -H:IncludeResourceBundles=your.pgk.Bundle,another.pkg.Resource,etc.Bundle ...

By default, the requested bundles are included for all requested locales. In order to optimize this, it is possible to use IncludeResourceBundles with locale specific substring, for example will include the bundle only in French.

Resources in Java modules

Wherever resources are specified with <Java regexp that matches resources to be included in the image> or resource bundles are specified via bundle name, it is possible to specify the exact modules these resources or bundles should be taken from. To do so, specify the module-name before the resource-regex or bundle name with : as separator. For example:

   "resources": {
      "includes": [
            "pattern": "library-module:^resource-file.txt$"
   "bundles": [

This will make native-image include resource-file.txt only from Java module library-module. So even if other modules or the classpath contains resources that would match pattern ^resource-file.txt$ only the one in module library-module would be registered for image-inclusion. Similar if there would be other bundles accessible with the same bundle name your.pkg.Bundle only the one from main-module would be included. Native image will also ensure that the modules are guaranteed to be accessible at image-runtime. I.e. the following code pattern:

InputStream resource = ModuleLayer.boot().findModule(moduleName).getResourceAsStream(resourcePath);

will always work as expected for resources registered as described above (even if the module does not contain any code that is seen reachable by the static analysis).

JVM Mode of Localization

Resource Bundle lookup is a complex and dynamic mechanism which utilizes a lot of the infrastructure of JVM. As a result of that, it causes the size of the executable to increase for smaller applications such as HelloWorld. Therefore, an optimized mode is set by default in which this lookup is simplified utilizing the fact the all bundles are known ahead of time. In case you would like to use the original JVM lookup, use the -H:-LocalizationOptimizedMode option.