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Installing libssl

TruffleRuby provides the openssl module but not the native libssl system library that the module uses. TruffleRuby supports both versions 1.0.2 and 1.1.0.

If you experience openssl-related errors, it might help to recompile the openssl module by running lib/truffle/ This is done automatically by Ruby managers, and mentioned in the post-install message when installing TruffleRuby via gu install in GraalVM.

RedHat-based: Fedora, Oracle Linux, etc

sudo dnf install openssl-devel

Debian-based: Ubuntu, etc

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev


On macOS the system version is too old.


We recommend installing libssl via Homebrew.

brew install openssl


MacPorts should also work but is not actively tested.

sudo port install openssl