Table of Contents

Standalone Distribution

For details regarding the three ways to install TruffleRuby, see Getting Started. The recommended way is to install GraalVM as it provides the most flexibility. However, you can also use what we call the standalone distribution of TruffleRuby, either via your Ruby manager/installer, or as a simple binary tarball.

Releases of the standalone distribution are available on GitHub. Nightly builds are also available.

The standalone distributions are the files:


Testing TruffleRuby in TravisCI

TruffleRuby is now integrated in TravisCI. Just add truffleruby in the build matrix, such as:

language: ruby
  - 2.6.1
  - truffleruby
  - truffleruby-head

See the TravisCI documentation for details. Please report any issue you might find.

Testing TruffleRuby in GitHub Actions

In GitHub Actions, you can easily setup TruffleRuby with ruby/setup-ruby:

name: My workflow
on: [push]
      fail-fast: false
        ruby: [ 2.6, truffleruby, truffleruby-head ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
        ruby-version: $
    - run: ruby -v

See the README of that action for more documentation.

Testing TruffleRuby in CI

If you use another continuous integration system, simply follow these instructions to run TruffleRuby in CI: download and extract the archive, add it to PATH, and run the post-install script.

Latest Release

Set TRUFFLERUBY_VERSION to the latest TruffleRuby version from GitHub releases.

export TRUFFLERUBY_VERSION=<desired_version>
curl -L$TRUFFLERUBY_VERSION/truffleruby-$TRUFFLERUBY_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar xz
export PATH="$PWD/truffleruby-$TRUFFLERUBY_VERSION-linux-amd64/bin:$PATH"
ruby -v

Latest Nightly Build

Here are the instructions for manually installing the latest nightly build:

curl -L | tar xz
export PATH="$PWD/truffleruby-head/bin:$PATH"
ruby -v

RubyGems Configuration

Note that you also need to ensure GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH are not set, so TruffleRuby uses the correct GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH. See Using TruffleRuby without a Ruby manager for details.


TruffleRuby’s dependencies need to be installed for TruffleRuby to run correctly.