◀Table of Contents
Embedding Languages
- Compile and Run a Polyglot Application
- Define Guest Language Functions as Java Values
- Access Guest Languages Directly from Java
- Access Java from Guest Languages
- Lookup Java Types from Guest Languages
- Computed Arrays Using Polyglot Proxies
- Host Access
- Build Native Executables from Polyglot Applications
- Code Caching Across Multiple Contexts
- Embed languages in Guest Languages
- Build a Shell for Many Languages
- Step Through with Execution Listeners
- Dependency setup
The GraalVM Polyglot API lets you embed and run code from guest languages in JVM-based host applications.
Throughout this section, you will learn how to create a host application in Java that runs on GraalVM and directly calls a guest language. You can use the tabs beneath each code example to choose between JavaScript, R, Ruby, and Python.
Ensure you set up GraalVM before you begin.
Compile and Run a Polyglot Application
GraalVM can run polyglot applications written in any language implemented with the Truffle language implementation framework. These languages are henceforth referenced as guest languages.
Complete the steps in this section to create a sample polyglot application that runs on GraalVM and demonstrates programming language interoperability.
1. Create a hello-polyglot
project directory.
2. In your project directory, add a HelloPolyglot.java
file that includes
the following code:
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
public class hello_polyglot_js {
public class HelloPolyglot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java!");
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
context.eval("js", "print('Hello JavaScript!');");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
public class hello_polyglot_R {
public class HelloPolyglot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java!");
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.eval("R", "print('Hello R!');");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
public class hello_polyglot_ruby {
public class HelloPolyglot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java!");
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
context.eval("ruby", "puts 'Hello Ruby!'");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
public class hello_polyglot_python {
public class HelloPolyglot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java!");
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
context.eval("python", "print('Hello Python!')");
public static void main(String[] args) {
In this code:
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*
imports the base API for the Polyglot API.import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*
imports the proxy classes of the Polyglot API, needed in later examples.Context
provides an execution environment for guest languages. R currently requires theallowAllAccess
flag to be set totrue
to run the example.eval
evaluates the specified snippet of guest language code.- The
with resource statement initializes theContext
and ensures that it is closed after use. Closing the context ensures that all resources including potential native resources are freed eagerly. Closing a context is optional but recommended. Even if a context is not closed and no longer referenced it will be freed by the garbage collector automatically.
3. Run javac HelloPolyglot.java
to compile HelloPolyglot.java
4. Run java HelloPolyglot
to run the application on GraalVM.
You now have a polyglot application that consists of a Java host application and guest language code that run on GraalVM. You can use this application with other code examples to demonstrate more advanced capabilities of the Polyglot API.
To use other code examples in this section, you simply need to do the following:
1. Add the code snippet to the main method of HelloPolyglot.java
2. Compile and run your polyglot application.
Define Guest Language Functions as Java Values
Polyglot applications let you take values from one programming language and use them with other languages.
Use the code example in this section with your polyglot application to show how the Polyglot API can return JavaScript, R, Ruby, or Python functions as Java values.
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class function_js {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value function = context.eval("js", "x => x+1");
assert function.canExecute();
int x = function.execute(41).asInt();
assert x == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class function_R {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
Value function = context.eval("R", "function(x) x + 1");
assert function.canExecute();
int x = function.execute(41).asInt();
assert x == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class function_ruby {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value function = context.eval("ruby", "proc { |x| x + 1 }");
assert function.canExecute();
int x = function.execute(41).asInt();
assert x == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class function_python {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value function = context.eval("python", "lambda x: x + 1");
assert function.canExecute();
int x = function.execute(41).asInt();
assert x == 42;
In this code:
Value function
is a Java value that refers to a function.- The
call parses the script and returns the guest language function. - The first assertion checks that the value returned by the code snippet can be executed.
- The
call executes the function with the argument41
. - The
call converts the result to a Javaint
. - The second assertion verifies that the result was incremented by one as expected.
Access Guest Languages Directly from Java
Polyglot applications can readily access most language types and are not limited to functions. Host languages, such as Java, can directly access guest language values embedded in the polyglot application.
Use the code example in this section with your polyglot application to show how the Polyglot API can access objects, numbers, strings, and arrays.
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_js_from_java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value result = context.eval("js",
"({ " +
"id : 42, " +
"text : '42', " +
"arr : [1,42,3] " +
assert result.hasMembers();
int id = result.getMember("id").asInt();
assert id == 42;
String text = result.getMember("text").asString();
assert text.equals("42");
Value array = result.getMember("arr");
assert array.hasArrayElements();
assert array.getArraySize() == 3;
assert array.getArrayElement(1).asInt() == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_R_from_java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
Value result = context.eval("R",
"list(" +
"id = 42, " +
"text = '42', " +
"arr = c(1,42,3)" +
assert result.hasMembers();
int id = result.getMember("id").asInt();
assert id == 42;
String text = result.getMember("text").asString();
assert text.equals("42");
Value array = result.getMember("arr");
assert array.hasArrayElements();
assert array.getArraySize() == 3;
assert array.getArrayElement(1).asInt() == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_ruby_from_java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value result = context.eval("ruby",
"o = Struct.new(:id, :text, :arr).new(" +
"42, " +
"'42', " +
"[1,42,3] " +
assert result.hasMembers();
int id = result.getMember("id").asInt();
assert id == 42;
String text = result.getMember("text").asString();
assert text.equals("42");
Value array = result.getMember("arr");
assert array.hasArrayElements();
assert array.getArraySize() == 3;
assert array.getArrayElement(1).asInt() == 42;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_python_from_java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Value result = context.eval("python",
"type('obj', (object,), {" +
"'id' : 42, " +
"'text': '42', " +
"'arr' : [1,42,3]" +
assert result.hasMembers();
int id = result.getMember("id").asInt();
assert id == 42;
String text = result.getMember("text").asString();
assert text.equals("42");
Value array = result.getMember("arr");
assert array.hasArrayElements();
assert array.getArraySize() == 3;
assert array.getArrayElement(1).asInt() == 42;
In this code:
Value result
is an Object that contains three members: a number namedid
, a string namedtext
, and an array namedarr
.- The first assertion verifies that the return value can contain members, which indicates that the value is an object-like structure.
- The
variable is initialized by reading the member with the nameid
from the resulting object. The result is then converted to a Javaint
. - The next assert verifies that result has a value of
. - The
variable is initialized using the value of the membertext
, which is also converted to a JavaString
. - The following assertion verifies the result value is equal to the
. - Next the
member that holds an array is read. - Arrays return
. R array instances can have members and array elements at the same time. - The next assertion verifies that the size of the array equals three. The
Polyglot API supports big arrays, so the array length is of type
. - Finally we verify that the array element at index
. Array indexing with polyglot values is always zero-based, even for languages such as R where indices start with one.
Access Java from Guest Languages
Polyglot applications offer bi-directional access between guest languages and host languages. As a result, you can pass Java objects to guest languages.
Use the code example in this section with your polyglot application to show how guest languages can access primitive Java values, objects, arrays, and functional interfaces.
To permit guest languages to access any public method or field of a Java object, set allowAllAccess(true)
when the context is built.
In this mode, the guest language code must be fully trusted, as it can access other not explicitly exported Java methods using reflection.
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_java_from_js {
public static class MyClass {
public int id = 42;
public String text = "42";
public int[] arr = new int[]{1, 42, 3};
public Callable<Integer> ret42 = () -> 42;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("javaObj", new MyClass());
boolean valid = context.eval("js",
" javaObj.id == 42" +
" && javaObj.text == '42'" +
" && javaObj.arr[1] == 42" +
" && javaObj.ret42() == 42")
assert valid == true;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_java_from_R {
public static class MyClass {
public int id = 42;
public String text = "42";
public int[] arr = new int[]{1, 42, 3};
public Callable<Integer> ret42 = () -> 42;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.getBindings("R").putMember("javaObj", new MyClass());
boolean valid = context.eval("R",
" javaObj$id == 42" +
" && javaObj$text == '42'" +
" && javaObj$arr[[2]] == 42" +
" && javaObj$ret42() == 42")
assert valid == true;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_java_from_ruby {
public static class MyClass {
public int id = 42;
public String text = "42";
public int[] arr = new int[]{1, 42, 3};
public Callable<Integer> ret42 = () -> 42;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("javaObj", new MyClass());
boolean valid = context.eval("ruby",
"javaObj = Polyglot.import('javaObj')\n" +
" javaObj[:id] == 42" +
" && javaObj[:text] == '42'" +
" && javaObj[:arr][1] == 42" +
" && javaObj[:ret42].call == 42")
assert valid == true;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class access_java_from_python {
public static class MyClass {
public int id = 42;
public String text = "42";
public int[] arr = new int[]{1, 42, 3};
public Callable<Integer> ret42 = () -> 42;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("javaObj", new MyClass());
boolean valid = context.eval("python",
"import polyglot \n" +
"javaObj = polyglot.import_value('javaObj')\n" +
"javaObj.id == 42" +
" and javaObj.text == '42'" +
" and javaObj.arr[1] == 42" +
" and javaObj.ret42() == 42")
assert valid == true;
In this code:
- The Java class
has four public fieldsid
, andret42
. The fields are initialized with42
,new int[]{1, 42, 3}
, and lambda() -> 42
that always returns anint
value of42
. - The Java class
is instantiated and exported with the namejavaObj
into the polyglot scope, which allows the host and guest languages to exchange symbols. - A guest language script is evaluated that imports the
symbol and assigns it to the local variable which is also namedjavaObj
. To avoid conflicts with variables, every value in the polyglot scope must be explicitly imported and exported in the top-most scope of the language. - The next two lines verify the contents of the Java object by comparing it
to the number
and the string'42'
. - The third verification reads from the second array position and compares it
to the number
. Whether arrays are accessed using 0-based or 1-based indices depends on the guest language. Independently of the language, the Java array stored in thearr
field is always accessed using translated 0-based indices. For example, in the R language, arrays are 1-based so the second array element is accessible using index2
. In the JavaScript and Ruby languages, the second array element is at index1
. In all language examples, the Java array is read from using the same index1
. - The last line invokes the Java lambda that is contained in the field
and compares the result to the number value42
. - After the guest language script executes, validation takes place to ensure
that the script returns a
value oftrue
as a result.
Lookup Java Types from Guest Languages
In addition to passing Java objects to the guest language, it is possible to allow the lookup of Java types in the guest language.
Use the code example in this section with your polyglot application to show how guest languages lookup Java types and instantiate them.
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
public class lookup_java_from_js {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
java.math.BigDecimal v = context.eval("js",
"var BigDecimal = Java.type('java.math.BigDecimal');" +
assert v.toString().equals("100000000000000000000");
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
public class lookup_java_from_R {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
java.math.BigDecimal v = context.eval("R",
"BigDecimal = java.type('java.math.BigDecimal');\n" +
assert v.toString().equals("100000000000000000000");
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
public class lookup_java_from_ruby {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
java.math.BigDecimal v = context.eval("ruby",
"BigDecimal = Java.type('java.math.BigDecimal')\n" +
assert v.toString().equals("100000000000000000000");
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
public class lookup_java_from_python {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
java.math.BigDecimal v = context.eval("python",
"import java\n" +
"BigDecimal = java.type('java.math.BigDecimal')\n" +
assert v.toString().equals("100000000000000000000");
In this code:
- A new context is created with all access enabled (
). - A guest language script is evaluated.
- The script looks up the Java type
and stores it in a variable namedBigDecimal
. - The static method
is invoked to create newBigDecimal
s with value10
. In addition to looking up static Java methods, it is also possible to directly instantiate the returned Java type., e.g., in JavaScript using thenew
keyword. - The new decimal is used to invoke the
instance method with20
which calculates10^20
. - The result of the script is converted to a host object by calling
. The return value is automatically cast to theBigDecimal
type. - The result decimal string is asserted to equal to
Computed Arrays Using Polyglot Proxies
The Polyglot API includes polyglot proxy interfaces that let you customize Java interoperability by mimicking guest language types, such as objects, arrays, native objects, or primitives.
Use the code example in this section with your polyglot application to see how you can implement arrays that compute their values lazily.
Note: The Polyglot API supports polyglot proxies either on the JVM or in Native Image.
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
public class proxy_js {
static class ComputedArray implements ProxyArray {
public Object get(long index) {
return index * 2;
public void set(long index, Value value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
ComputedArray arr = new ComputedArray();
context.getBindings("js").putMember("arr", arr);
long result = context.eval("js",
"arr[1] + arr[1000000000]")
assert result == 2000000002L;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyArray;
public class proxy_R {
static class ComputedArray implements ProxyArray {
public Object get(long index) {
return index * 2;
public void set(long index, Value value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
ComputedArray arr = new ComputedArray();
context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("arr", arr);
long result = context.eval("R",
"arr <- import('arr');" +
"arr[2] + arr[1000000001]")
assert result == 2000000002L;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyArray;
public class proxy_ruby {
static class ComputedArray implements ProxyArray {
public Object get(long index) {
return index * 2;
public void set(long index, Value value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
ComputedArray arr = new ComputedArray();
context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("arr", arr);
long result = context.eval("ruby",
"arr = Polyglot.import('arr') \n" +
"arr[1] + arr[1000000000]")
assert result == 2000000002L;
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyArray;
public class proxy_python {
static class ComputedArray implements ProxyArray {
public Object get(long index) {
return index * 2;
public void set(long index, Value value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getSize() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
ComputedArray arr = new ComputedArray();
context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("arr", arr);
long result = context.eval("python",
"import polyglot\n" +
"arr = polyglot.import_value('arr') \n" +
"arr[1] + arr[1000000000]")
assert result == 2000000002L;
In this code:
- The Java class
implements the proxy interfaceProxyArray
so that guest languages treat instances of the Java class like arrays. ComputedArray
array overrides the methodget
and computes the value using an arithmetic expression.- The array proxy does not support write access. For this reason, it throws
in the implementation ofset
. - The implementation for
for its length. - The main method creates a new polyglot execution context.
- A new instance of the
class is then exported using the namearr
. - The guest language script imports the
symbol, which returns the exported proxy. - The second element and the
th element is accessed, summed up, and then returned. Note that array indices from 1-based languages such as R are converted to 0-based indices for proxy arrays. - The result of the language script is returned as a long value and verified.
For more information about the polyglot proxy interfaces, see the Polyglot API JavaDoc.
Host Access
The Polyglot API by default restricts access to certain critical functionality, such as file I/O.
These restrictions can be lifted entirely by setting allowAllAccess
to true
Note: The access restrictions are currently only supported with JavaScript.
Controlling Access to Host Functions
It might be desireable to limit the access of guest applications to the host.
For example, if a Java method is exposed that calls System.exit
then the guest application will be able to exit the host process.
In order to avoid accidentally exposed methods, no host access is allowed by default and every public method or field needs to be annotated with @HostAccess.Export
// COMPILE-CMD: javac {file}
// RUN-CMD: java -ea {file}
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
public class explicit_access_java_from_js {
public class Employee {
private final String name;
Employee(String name) {this.name = name;}
public String getName() {
return name;
public class Services {
public Employee createEmployee(String name) {
return new Employee(name);
public void exitVM() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create()) {
Services services = new Services();
context.getBindings("js").putMember("services", services);
String name = context.eval("js",
"let emp = services.createEmployee('John Doe');" +
assert name.equals("John Doe");
try {
context.eval("js", "services.exitVM()");
assert false;
} catch (PolyglotException e) {
assert e.getMessage().endsWith(
"Unknown identifier: exitVM");
In this code:
- The class
is declared with a fieldname
of typeString
. Access to thegetName
method is explicitly allowed by annotating the method with@HostAccess.Export
. - The
class exposes two methods,createEmployee
. ThecreateEmployee
method takes the name of the employee as an argument and creates a newEmployee
instance. ThecreateEmployee
method is annotated with@HostAccess.Export
and therefore accessible to the guest application. TheexitVM
method is not explicitly exported and therefore not accessible. - The
method first creates a new polyglot context in the default configuration, disallowing host access except for methods annotated with@HostAccess.Export
. - A new
instance is created and put into the context as global variableservices
. - The first evaluated script creates a new employee using the services object and returns its name.
- The returned name is asserted to equal the expected name
John Doe
. - A second script is evaluated that calls the
method on the services object. This fails with aPolyglotException
as the exitVM method is not exposed to the guest application.
Host access is fully customizable by creating a custom HostAccess
Controlling Host Callback Parameter Scoping
By default, a Value
lives as long as the corresponding Context
However, it may be desireable to change this default behavior and bind a value to a scope, such that when execution leaves the scope, the value is invalidated.
An example for such a scope are guest-to-host callbacks, where a Value
may be passed as a callback parameter.
We have already seen above how this works with the default HostAccess.EXPLICIT
public class Services {
Value lastResult;
public void callback(Value result) {
this.lastResult = result;
String getResult() {
return this.lastResult.asString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Services s = new Services()
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.EXPLICIT).build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("services", s);
context.eval("js", "services.callback('Hello from JS');");
In this example, lastResult
maintains a reference to the value from the guest is stored on the host and remains accessible until after the scope of callback()
has ended.
However, this is not always desireable, as keeping the value alive may block resources unnecessarily or not reflect the behavior of ephemeral values correctly.
For these cases, HostAccess.SCOPED
can be used, which changes the default behavior for all callbacks, such that values that are passed as callback parameters are only valid for the duration of the callback.
To make the above code work with HostAccess.SCOPED
, individual values passed as a callback parameters can be pinned to extend their validity until after the callback returns:
public class Services {
Value lastResult;
void callback(Value result, Value notneeded) {
this.lastResult = result;
String getResult() {
return this.lastResult.asString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Services s = new Services()
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.SCOPED).build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("services", s);
context.eval("js", "services.callback('Hello from JS', 'foobar');");
Alternatively, the entire callback method can opt out from scoping if annotated with @HostAccess.DisableMethodScope
, maintaining regular semantics for all parameters of the callback:
public class Services {
Value lastResult;
Value metaInfo;
void callback(Value result, Value metaInfo) {
this.lastResult = result;
this.metaInfo = metaInfo;
String getResult() {
return this.lastResult.asString() + this.metaInfo.asString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Services s = new Services()
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.SCOPED).build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("services", s);
context.eval("js", "services.callback('Hello from JS', 'foobar');");
Access Privilege Configuration
It is possible to configure fine-grained access privileges for guest applications.
The configuration can be provided using the Context.Builder
class when constructing a new context.
The following access parameters may be configured:
- Allow access to other languages using
. - Allow and customize access to host objects using
. - Allow and customize host lookup to host types using
. Allows the guest application to look up the host application classes permitted by the lookup predicate. For example, a Javascript context can create a Java ArrayList, provided that ArrayList is allowlisted by theclassFilter
and access is permitted by the host access policy:context.eval("js", "var array = Java.type('java.util.ArrayList')")
- Allow host class loading using
. Classes are only accessible if access to them is granted by the host access policy. - Allow the creation of threads using
. - Allow access to native APIs using
. - Allow access to IO using
and proxy file accesses usingfileSystem
Note: Granting access to class loading, native APIs, or host I/O effectively grants all access, as these privileges can be used to bypass other access restrictions.
Build Native Executables from Polyglot Applications
Polyglot embeddings can also be compiled ahead-of-time using Native Image.
By default, no language is included if the Polyglot API is used.
To enable guest languages, the --language:<languageId>
(e.g., --language:js
) option needs to be specified.
Currently, it is required to set the --initialize-at-build-time
option when building a polyglot native executable.
All examples on this page can be converted to native executables with the native-image
The following example shows how a simple HelloWorld JavaScript application can be built using native-image
javac HelloPolyglot.java
native-image --language:js --initialize-at-build-time -cp . HelloPolyglot
It should be mentioned that you can also include a guest language into the native executable, but exclude the JIT compiler by passing the -Dtruffle.TruffleRuntime=com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.DefaultTruffleRuntime
option to the builder.
Be aware, the flag -Dtruffle.TruffleRuntime=com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.DefaultTruffleRuntime
has to placed after all the Truffle language/tool options, so that it will override the default settings.
You can build the above example again but this time the created image will only contain the Truffle language interpreter (the Graal compiler will not be included in the image) by running:
native-image --language:js -Dtruffle.TruffleRuntime=com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.DefaultTruffleRuntime --initialize-at-build-time -cp . HelloPolyglotInterpreter
Configuring Native Host Reflection
Accessing host Java code from the guest application requires Java reflection in order to work. When reflection is used within a native executable, the reflection configuration file is required.
For this example we use JavaScript to show host access with native executables.
Copy the following code in a new file named AccessJavaFromJS.java
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class AccessJavaFromJS {
public static class MyClass {
public int id = 42;
public String text = "42";
public int[] arr = new int[]{1, 42, 3};
public Callable<Integer> ret42 = () -> 42;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("javaObj", new MyClass());
boolean valid = context.eval("js",
" javaObj.id == 42" +
" && javaObj.text == '42'" +
" && javaObj.arr[1] == 42" +
" && javaObj.ret42() == 42")
System.out.println("Valid " + valid);
Copy the following code into reflect.json
{ "name": "AccessJavaFromJS$MyClass", "allPublicFields": true },
{ "name": "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "allPublicMethods": true }
Now you can create a native executable that supports host access:
javac AccessJavaFromJS.java
native-image --language:js --initialize-at-build-time -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=reflect.json -cp . AccessJavaFromJS
Note that in case assertions are needed in the image, the -H:+RuntimeAssertions
option can be passed to native-image
For production deployments, this option should be omitted.
Code Caching Across Multiple Contexts
The GraalVM Polyglot API allows code caching across multiple contexts. Code caching allows compiled code to be reused and allows sources to be parsed only once. Code caching can often reduce memory consumption and warm-up time of the application.
By default, code is cached within a single context instance only. To enable code caching between multiple contexts, an explicit engine needs to be specified. The engine is specified when creating the context using the context builder. The scope of code sharing is determined by the engine instance. Code is only shared between contexts associated with one engine instance.
All sources are cached by default.
Caching may be disabled explicitly by setting cached(boolean cached) to false
. Disabling caching may be useful in case the source is known to only be evaluated once.
Consider the following code snippet as an example:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Engine engine = Engine.create()) {
Source source = Source.create("js", "21 + 21");
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
int v = context.eval(source).asInt();
assert v == 42;
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
int v = context.eval(source).asInt();
assert v == 42;
In this code:
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*
imports the base API for the Polyglot API.Engine.create()
creates a new engine instance with the default configuration.Source.create()
creates a source object for the expression “21 + 21” with “js” language, which is the language identifier for JavaScript.Context.newBuilder().engine(engine).build()
builds a new context with an explicit engine assigned to it. All contexts associated with an engine share the code.context.eval(source).asInt()
evaluates the source and returns the result asValue
Embed Guest languages in Guest Languages
The GraalVM Polyglot API can be used from within a guest language using Java interoperability.
This can be useful if a script needs to run isolated from the parent context.
In Java as a host language a call to Context.eval(Source)
returns an instance of Value
, but since we executing this code as part of a guest language we can use the language-specific interoperability API instead.
It is therefore possible to use values returned by contexts created inside of a language, like regular values of the language.
In the example below we can conveniently write value.data
instead of value.getMember("data")
Please refer to the individual language documentation for details on how to interoperate with foreign values.
More information on value sharing between multiple contexts can be found here.
Consider the following code snippet as an example:
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context outer = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
outer.eval("js", "inner = Java.type('org.graalvm.polyglot.Context').create()");
outer.eval("js", "value = inner.eval('js', '({data:42})')");
int result = outer.eval("js", "value.data").asInt();
outer.eval("js", "inner.close()");
System.out.println("Valid " + (result == 42));
In this code:
builds a new outer context with all privileges.outer.eval
evaluates a JavaScript snippet in the outer context.inner = Java.type('org.graalvm.polyglot.Context').create()
the first JS script line looks up the Java host type Context and creates a new inner context instance with no privileges (default).inner.eval('js', '({data:42})');
evaluates the JavaScript code({data:42})
in the inner context and returns stores the result."value.data"
this line reads the memberdata
from the result of the inner context. Note that this result can only be read as long as the inner context is not yet closed.context.eval("js", "c.close()")
this snippet closes the inner context. Inner contexts need to be closed manually and are not automatically closed with the parent context.- Finally the example is expected to print
Valid true
to the console.
Build a Shell for Many Languages
With just a few lines of code, the GraalVM Polyglot API lets you build applications that integrate with any guest language supported by GraalVM.
This shell implementation is agnostic to any particular guest language.
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
PrintStream output = System.out;
Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowAllAccess(true).build();
Set<String> languages = context.getEngine().getLanguages().keySet();
output.println("Shell for " + languages + ":");
String language = languages.iterator().next();
for (;;) {
try {
output.print(language + "> ");
String line = input.readLine();
if (line == null) {
} else if (languages.contains(line)) {
language = line;
Source source = Source.newBuilder(language, line, "<shell>")
} catch (PolyglotException t) {
if(t.isExit()) {
Step Through with Execution Listeners
The GraalVM Polyglot API allows users to instrument the execution of guest languages through ExecutionListener class. For example, it lets you attach an execution listener that is invoked for every statement of the guest language program. Execution listeners are designed as simple API for polyglot embedders and may become handy in, e.g., single-stepping through the program.
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.management.*;
public class ExecutionListenerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.create("js")) {
ExecutionListener listener = ExecutionListener.newBuilder()
.onEnter((e) -> System.out.println(
context.eval("js", "for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++);");
In this code:
- The
call creates a new context for the guest language. - Create an execution listener builder by invoking
. - Set
event to notify when element’s execution is entered and consumed. At least one event consumer and one filtered source element needs to be enabled. - To complete the listener attachment,
needs to be invoked. - The
filters execution listeners to statements only. - The
call evaluates a specified snippet of guest language code. - The
closes a listener earlier, however execution listeners are automatically closed with the engine.
Polyglot Isolates
On GraalVM Enterprise, a Polyglot engine can be configured to run in a dedicated native-image
This experimental feature is enabled with the --engine.SpawnIsolate
An engine running in this mode executes within a VM-level fault domain with its own garbage collector and JIT compiler.
The fact that an engine runs within an isolate is completely transparent with respect to the Polyglot API and interoperability:
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class PolyglotIsolate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Context context = Context.newBuilder("js")
.option("engine.SpawnIsolate", "true").build();
Value function = context.eval("js", "x => x+1")
assert function.canExecute();
int x = function.execute(41).asInt();
assert x == 42;
Since the host’s GC and the isolate’s GC are not aware of one another, cyclic references between objects on both heaps may occur. We thus strongly recommend to use scoped parameters for host callbacks to avoid cyclic references.
Multiple contexts can be spawned in the same isolated engine by sharing engines:
public class PolyglotIsolateMultipleContexts {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Engine engine = Engine.newBuilder()
.option("engine.SpawnIsolate", "js").build()) {
Source source = Source.create("js", "21 + 21");
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
int v = context.eval(source).asInt();
assert v == 42;
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder()
.build()) {
int v = context.eval(source).asInt();
assert v == 42;
Note how we need to specify the language for the isolated engine as a parameter to --engine.SpawnIsolate
in this case.
The reason is that an isolated engine needs to know which set of languages should be available.
Behind the scenes, GraalVM will then locate the corresponding Native Image language library.
If only a single language is selected, then the library for the language will be loaded.
If multiple languages are selected, then libpolyglot
, the library containing all Truffle languages shipped with GraalVM, will be loaded.
If a matching library is not available, creation of the engine will fail.
Only one language library can be loaded during GraalVM’s lifetime. This means that the first isolated engine that is created sets the default for the remainder of the execution: if an isolated engine with solely Javascript was created first, only Javascript will be available in isolated languages.
Passing Native Image Runtime Options
Engines running in an isolate can make use of Native Image runtime options by passing --engine.IsolateOption.<option>
to the engine builder.
For example, this can be used to limit the maximum heap memory used by an engine by setting the maximum heap size for the isolate via --engine.IsolateOption.MaxHeapSize=128m
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
public class PolyglotIsolateMaxHeap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Context context = Context.newBuilder("js")
.option("engine.SpawnIsolate", "true")
.option("engine.IsolateOption.MaxHeapSize", "64m").build()
context.eval("js", "var a = [];while (true) {a.push('foobar');}");
} catch (PolyglotException ex) {
if (ex.isResourceExhausted()) {
System.out.println("Resource exhausted");
Exceeding the maximum heap size will automatically close the context and raise a PolyglotException
Dependency Setup
To best make use of the embedding API of GraalVM (i.e. org.graalvm.polyglot.*
) your project should use a GraalVM as JAVA_HOME
In addition to that, you should specify the graal-sdk.jar
(which is included in GraalVM) as a provided dependency to your projects.
This is mainly to provide IDEs and other tools with the information that the project uses this API.
An example of this for Maven means adding the following to the pom.xml
Additionally, when using Java modules, your module-info.java
file should require org.graalvm.sdk
module com.mycompany.app {
requires org.graalvm.sdk;