Build a Native Executable from a JAR File

You can build a native executable from a class file, from a JAR file, or from a module. This guide demonstrates how to build a native executable from a JAR file.

To build a native executable from a JAR file in the current working directory, use the following command:

native-image [options] -jar jarfile [executable name]
  1. Make sure you have installed a GraalVM JDK. The easiest way to get started is with SDKMAN!. For other installation options, visit the Downloads section.

  2. Prepare the application.

  3. Compile the application:
     javac -d build src/com/example/

    This produces the file App.class in the build/com/example directory.

  4. Create a runnable JAR file:
     jar --create --file App.jar --main-class com.example.App -C build .

    It will generate a runnable JAR file, named App.jar, in the project root directory: To view its contents, run the command jar tf App.jar.

  5. Create a native executable:
     native-image -jar App.jar

    It will produce a native executable in the project root directory.

  6. Run the native executable:

The default behavior of native-image is aligned with the java command which means you can pass the -jar, -cp, -m options to build with Native Image as you would normally do with java. For example, java -jar App.jar someArgument becomes native-image -jar App.jar and ./App someArgument.