Table of Contents


Besides being primarily recommended to use in your Java application, GraalPy can interoperate with other Graal languages (languages implemented on the Truffle framework). This means that you can use the objects and functions provided by those other languages directly from your Python scripts.

Interacting with Java from Python scripts

Java is the host language of the JVM and runs the GraalPy interpreter itself. To interoperate with Java from Python scripts, use the java module:

import java
BigInteger = java.type("java.math.BigInteger")
myBigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(42)
# a public Java methods can just be called
myBigInt.shiftLeft(128) # returns a <JavaObject[java.math.BigInteger] at ...>
# Java method names that are keywords in Python must be accessed using `getattr`
getattr(myBigInt, "not")() # returns a <JavaObject[java.math.BigInteger] at ...>
byteArray = myBigInt.toByteArray()
# Java arrays can act like Python lists
assert len(byteArray) == 1 and byteArray[0] == 42

To import packages from the java namespace, you can also use the conventional Python import syntax:

import java.util.ArrayList
from java.util import ArrayList
assert java.util.ArrayList == ArrayList

al = ArrayList()
assert list(al) == [1, 12]

In addition to the type built-in method, the java module exposes the following methods:

Built-in Specification
instanceof(obj, class) returns True if obj is an instance of class (class must be a foreign object class)
is_function(obj) returns True if obj is a Java host language function wrapped using interop
is_object(obj) returns True if obj if the argument is Java host language object wrapped using interop
is_symbol(obj) returns True if obj if the argument is a Java host symbol, representing the constructor and static members of a Java class, as obtained by java.type
ArrayList = java.type('java.util.ArrayList')
my_list = ArrayList()
assert java.is_symbol(ArrayList)
assert not java.is_symbol(my_list)
assert java.is_object(ArrayList)
assert java.is_function(my_list.add)
assert java.instanceof(my_list, ArrayList)

See Polyglot Programming and Embed Languages for more information about interoperability with other programming languages.

Interacting with other dynamic languages from Python scripts

More general, non-JVM specific interactions with other languages from Python scripts are achieved via the polyglot API. This includes all interactions with dynamic languages supported via the Truffle framework, including JavaScript and Ruby.

Installing other dynamic languages

Other languages can be included by using their respective Maven dependencies in the same manner as GraalPy. For example, if you have already configured a Maven project with GraalPy, add the following dependency to gain access to JavaScript:



  1. Import the polyglot module to interact with other languages:
    import polyglot
  2. Evaluate inlined code in another language:
    assert polyglot.eval(string="1 + 1", language="js") == 2
  3. Evaluate code from a file:
    with open("./my_js_file.js", "w") as f:
        f.write("Polyglot.export('JSMath', Math)")
    polyglot.eval(path="./my_js_file.js", language="js")
  4. Import a glocal value from the polyglot scope:
    Math = polyglot.import_value("JSMath")

    This global value should then work as expected:

    • Accessing attributes reads from the polyglot members namespace:
      assert Math.E == 2.718281828459045
    • Calling a method on the result attempts to do a straight invoke and falls back to reading the member and trying to execute it.
      assert Math.toString() == "[object Math]"
    • Accessing items is supported both with strings and numbers.
      assert Math["PI"] == 3.141592653589793
  5. Use the JavaScript regular expression engine to match Python strings:
    js_re = polyglot.eval(string="RegExp()", language="js")
    pattern = js_re.compile(".*(?:we have (?:a )?matching strings?(?:[!\\?] )?)(.*)")
    if pattern.exec("This string does not match"): raise SystemError("that shouldn't happen")
    md = pattern.exec("Look, we have matching strings! This string was matched by Graal.js")
    assert "Graal.js" in md[1]

    This program matches Python strings using the JavaScript regular expression object. Python reads the captured group from the JavaScript result and checks for a substring in it.

Exporting Python Objects to other Languages

The polyglot module can be used to expose Python objects to JVM languages and other Graal languages (languages implemented on the Truffle framework).

  1. You can export some object from Python to other languages so they can import it:
    import ssl
    polyglot.export_value(value=ssl, name="python_ssl")

    Then use it in (for example) from JavaScript code:

    Polyglot.import('python_ssl).get_server_certificate(["", 443])
  2. You can decorate a Python function to export it by name:
    def python_method():
        return "Hello from Python!"

    Then use it (for example) from Java code:

    import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
    class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try (var context = Context.create()) {
                context.eval(Source.newBuilder("python", "file:///").build());
                String result = context.
                assert result.equals("Hello from Python!");

Mapping Types between Python and Other Languages

The interop protocol defines different “types” which can overlap in all kinds of ways and have restrictions on how they can interact with Python.

Interop Types to Python

Most importantly and upfront: all foreign objects passed into Python have the Python type foreign. There is no emulation of (for example) objects that are of interop type “boolean” to have the Python type bool. This is because interop types can overlap in ways that the Python built-in types cannot, and we have yet to define which type should take precedence and such situations. We do expect to change this in the future, however. For now, the foreign type defines all of the Python special methods for type conversion that are used throughout the interpreter (methods such as __add__, __int__, __str__, __getitem__, and so on) and these try to “do the right thing” based on the interop type (or raise an exception).

Types not listed in the table below have no special interpretation in Python.

Interop Type Python Interpretation
null null is like None. Important to know: interop null values are all identical to None. JavaScript defines two “null-like” values; undefined and null, which are not identical, but when passed to Python, they are treated so.
boolean boolean behaves like Python booleans, including the fact that in Python, all booleans are also integers (1 and 0 for true and false, respectively).
number number Behaves like Python numbers. Python only has one integer and one floating point type, but ranges are imported in some places such as typed arrays.
string Behaves in the same way as a Python string.
buffer Buffers are also a concept in Python’s native API (albeit slightly different). Interop buffers are treated in the same was as Python buffers in some places (such as memoryview) to avoid copies of data.
array An array can be used with subscript access in the same way as Python lists, with integers and slices as indices.
hash A hash can be used with subscript access in the same way as Python dictionaries, with any “hashable” object as a key. “Hashable” follows Python semantics: generally every interop type with an identity is deemed “hashable”. Note that if an interop object is of type Array and Hash, the behavior of subscript access is undefined.
members An object of type members can be read using conventional Python . notation or getattr and related functions.
iterable An iterable is treated in the same way as any Python object with an __iter__ method. That is, it can be used in a loop and other places that accept Python iterables.
iterator An iterator is treated in the same way as any Python object with a __next__ method.
exception An exception can be caught in a generic except clause.
MetaObject Meta objects can be used in subtype and isinstance checks.
executable An executable object can be executed as a function, but never with keyword arguments.
instantiable An instantiable object can be called just like a Python type, but never with keyword arguments.

Python to Interop Types

Interop Type Python Interpretation
null Only None.
boolean Only subtypes of Python bool. Note that in contrast to Python semantics, Python bool is never also an interop number.
number Only subtypes of int and float.
string Only subtypes of str.
array Any object with __getitem__ and __len__ methods, but not if it also has keys, values, and items methods (in the same way that dict does.)
hash Only subtypes of dict.
members Any Python object. Note that the rules for readable/writable are a bit ad-hoc, since checking that is not part of the Python MOP.
iterable Any Python object that has __iter__ or a __getitem__ methods.
iterator Any Python object with a __next__ method.
exception Any Python BaseException subtype.
MetaObject Any Python type.
executable Any Python object with a __call__ method.
instantiable Any Python type.

The Interoperability Extension API

It is possible to extend the interoperability protocol directly from Python via a simple API defined in the polyglot module. The purpose of this API is to enable custom / user defined types to take part in the interop ecosystem. This is particularly useful for external types which are not compatible by default with the interop protocol. An example in this sense are the numpy numeric types (for example, numpy.int32) which are not supported by default by the interop protocol.


Function Description
register_interop_behavior Takes the receiver type as first argument. The remainder keyword arguments correspond to the respective interop messages. Not All interop messages are supported.
get_registered_interop_behavior Takes the receiver type as first argument. Returns the list of extended interop messages for the given type.
@interop_behavior Class decorator, takes the receiver type as only argument. The interop messages are extended via static methods defined in the decorated class (supplier).

Supported messages

The majority (with some exceptions) of the interop messages are supported by the interop behavior extension API, as shown in the table below.
The naming convention for the register_interop_behavior keyword arguments follows the snake_case naming convention, i.e. the interop fitsInLong message becomes fits_in_long and so on. Each message can be extended with a pure python function (default keyword arguments, free vars and cell vars are not allowed) or a boolean constant. The table below describes the supported interop messages:

Message Extension argument name Expected return type
isBoolean is_boolean bool
isDate is_date bool
isDuration is_duration bool
isIterator is_iterator bool
isNumber is_number bool
isString is_string bool
isTime is_time bool
isTimeZone is_time_zone bool
isExecutable is_executable bool
fitsInBigInteger fits_in_big_integer bool
fitsInByte fits_in_byte bool
fitsInDouble fits_in_double bool
fitsInFloat fits_in_float bool
fitsInInt fits_in_int bool
fitsInLong fits_in_long bool
fitsInShort fits_in_short bool
asBigInteger as_big_integer int
asBoolean as_boolean bool
asByte as_byte int
asDate as_date 3-tuple with the following elements: (year: int, month: int, day: int)
asDouble as_double float
asDuration as_duration 2-tuple with the following elements: (seconds: long, nano_adjustment: long)
asFloat as_float float
asInt as_int int
asLong as_long int
asShort as_short int
asString as_string str
asTime as_time 4-tuple with the following elements: (hour: int, minute: int, second: int, microsecond: int)
asTimeZone as_time_zone a string (the timezone) or int (utc delta in seconds)
execute execute object
readArrayElement read_array_element object
getArraySize get_array_size int
hasArrayElements has_array_elements bool
isArrayElementReadable is_array_element_readable bool
isArrayElementModifiable is_array_element_modifiable bool
isArrayElementInsertable is_array_element_insertable bool
isArrayElementRemovable is_array_element_removable bool
removeArrayElement remove_array_element NoneType
writeArrayElement write_array_element NoneType
hasIterator has_iterator bool
hasIteratorNextElement has_iterator_next_element bool
getIterator get_iterator a python iterator
getIteratorNextElement get_iterator_next_element object
hasHashEntries has_hash_entries bool
getHashEntriesIterator get_hash_entries_iterator a python iterator
getHashKeysIterator get_hash_keys_iterator a python iterator
getHashSize get_hash_size int
getHashValuesIterator get_hash_values_iterator a python iterator
isHashEntryReadable is_hash_entry_readable bool
isHashEntryModifiable is_hash_entry_modifiable bool
isHashEntryInsertable is_hash_entry_insertable bool
isHashEntryRemovable is_hash_entry_removable bool
readHashValue read_hash_value object
writeHashEntry write_hash_entry NoneType
removeHashEntry remove_hash_entry NoneType

Usage Example

A simple register_interop_behavior API is available to register interop behaviors for existing types:

import polyglot
import numpy

    fitsInByte=lambda v: -128 <= v < 128,
    fitsInShort=lambda v: -0x8000 <= v < 0x8000

The @interop_behavior decorator may be more convenient when declaring more behaviors. Interop message extension is achieved via static methods of the decorated class. The names of the static methods are identical to the keyword names expected by register_interop_behavior.

from polyglot import interop_behavior
import numpy

class Int8InteropBehaviorSupplier:
    def is_number(_): 
        return True

    def fitsInDouble(_):
        return True

    def asDouble(v):
        return float(v)

Both classes can then behave as expected when embedded:

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (var context = Context.create()) {
            context.eval("python", Files.readString(Path.of("path/to/interop/behavior/")));
            assert context.eval("python", "numpy.float64(12)").asDouble() == 12.0;
            assert context.eval("python", "numpy.int32(12)").asByte() == 12;