This documentation is for the unreleased GraalVM version.Download Early Access Builds from GitHub.

Installation on Linux Platforms #

GraalVM is available for Linux on x64 and AArch64 architectures. You can install GraalVM on Linux:

Select the installation option that you prefer.


Install Oracle GraalVM with SDKMAN!:

sdk install java <version>-graal

To install GraalVM Community Edition, change the distribution from graal to graalce in the command.

SDKMAN! helps you install and easily switch between JDKs. Check which GraalVM releases are available for installation by running:

sdk list java

From an Archive #

Install GraalVM from an archive (.tar.gz) for the current user into any location, without affecting other JDK installations.

  1. Navigate to the GraalVM Downloads page. Select the Java version, Linux for the operating system, x64 or aarch64 for the architecture, and download.

  2. Change to the directory where you want to install GraalVM, then move the .tar.gz file to that directory.

  3. Unzip the archive:
     tar -xzf graalvm-jdk-<version>_linux-<architecture>.tar.gz
  4. There can be multiple JDKs installed on the machine. Configure the runtime environment:
    • Set the value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installation directory:
       export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/<graalvm>
    • Set the value of the PATH environment variable to the GraalVM bin/ directory:
       export PATH=/path/to/<graalvm>/bin:$PATH

To confirm that the installation was successful, run the java -version command. Optionally, you can specify GraalVM as the default JRE or JDK installation in your Java IDE.

Script-Friendly URLs #

Script-friendly URLs enable you to download GraalVM from a command line, or automatically in your script and Dockerfile by using a download URL. Substitute <version> and <architecture> with the JDK version and aarch64 or x64 architecture.

# Download with wget

# Download with curl

# Download from archive

For other installation options, visit the GraalVM Downloads page.

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