
Running JavaScript on GraalVM can be configured with several options.

These options are to control the behavior of the js launcher:

  • -e, --eval <code>: evaluate the JavaScript source code, then exit the engine.
     js -e 'print(1+2);'
  • -f, --file <arg>: load and execute the provided script file. Note that the -f option is optional and can be omitted in most cases, as any additional argument to js will be interpreted as a file anyway.
     js -f myfile.js
  • --module <arg>: load and execute the provided module file. Note that .mjs files are treated as modules by default.
     js --module myfile.mjs
  • --version: print the version information of GraalJS, then exit.
  • --strict: execute the engine in JavaScript’s strict mode.

GraalJS Engine Options #

There are several options to configure the behavior of GraalJS. Depending on how the engine is started, the options can be passed either to the launcher or programmatically.

For a full list of options of the JavaScript engine, pass the --help:js flag to the js launcher (available from GraalVM 22.1, for older releases use --help:languages). To include internal options, use --help:js:internal. Note that those lists both include stable, supported, and experimental options.

Pass Options on the Command Line #

To pass the options to the js launcher, use the --js.<option-name>=<value> syntax. For example:

js --js.ecmascript-version=2015

Pass Options Programmatically Using the Context API #

When embedded in Java using GraalVM’s Polyglot API, the options can be passed programmatically to the Context object:

Context context = Context.newBuilder("js")
                         .option("js.ecmascript-version", "2015")
context.eval("js", "42");

See the Polyglot Programming reference for information on how to set options programmatically.

Stable and Experimental Options #

The available options are distinguished as stable and experimental options. If an experimental option is used, an extra option has to be provided upfront.

Using the js launcher, --experimental-options has to be passed before all experimental options. When using a Context, the option allowExperimentalOptions(true) has to be called on a Context.Builder. See ScriptEngine Implementation on how to use experimental options with a ScriptEngine.

Frequently Used Stable Options #

The following stable options are frequently relevant:

  • --js.ecmascript-version: emulate a specific ECMAScript version. Integer value (5, 6, etc., 2015-2022), "latest" (latest supported version of the spec, including finished proposals), or "staging" (latest version including supported unfinished proposals). Default is "latest".
  • --js.foreign-object-prototype: provide JavaScript’s default prototype to foreign objects that mimic JavaScript’s own types (foreign Arrays, Objects, and Functions). Boolean value, default is true.
  • --js.intl-402: enable ECMAScript Internationalization API. Boolean value, default is true.
  • --js.regexp-static-result: provide static RegExp properties containing the results of the last successful match, for example, RegExp.$1 (legacy). Boolean value, default is true.
  • --js.strict: enable strict mode for all scripts. Boolean value, default is false.
  • --js.console: enable the console global property. Boolean value, default is true.
  • --js.allow-eval: allow the code generation from strings, for example, using eval() or the Function constructor. Boolean value, default is true.
  • --js.timer-resolution: sets the resolution of timing functions, such as Date.now() and performance.now(), in nanoseconds. Default: 1000000 (i.e. 1 ms).
  • --js.unhandled-rejections: configure unhandled promise rejection tracking. Accepted values are none (default, no tracking), warn (print a warning to stderr), throw (throw an exception), and handler (invoke a custom handler).
  • --js.esm-eval-returns-exports: context.eval of an ES module Source returns its exported symbols.

For a complete list, use js --help:js:internal

ECMAScript Version

The --js.ecmascript-version option provides compatibility with a specific version of the ECMAScript specification. It expects an integer value, where both the edition numbers (5, 6, …) and the publication years (starting from 2015) are supported. As of GraalVM 21.2, latest, staging are also supported. The default in GraalVM 23.1 is the ECMAScript 2023 specification. GraalJS implements some features of the future draft specification and of open proposals, if you explicitly select that version and/or enable specific experimental options. For production settings, it is recommended to set the ecmascript-version to a released, finalized version of the specification (for example, 2022).

Available versions are:

  • 5 for ECMAScript 5.x
  • 2015 (or 6) for ECMAScript 2015
  • 2016 (or 7) for ECMAScript 2016
  • 2017 (or 8) for ECMAScript 2017
  • 2018 (or 9) for ECMAScript 2018
  • 2019 (or 10) for ECMAScript 2019
  • 2020 (or 11) for ECMAScript 2020
  • 2021 (or 12) for ECMAScript 2021 (default in 21.3)
  • 2022 (or 13) for ECMAScript 2022 (default in 22.0+)
  • 2023 (or 14) for ECMAScript 2023 (default in 23.1)
  • 2024 (or 15) for ECMAScript 2024 (default in 24.1)
  • latest for the latest supported language version (the default version)
  • staging for the latest supported language features including experimental unstable, unfinished proposals (do not use in production!)


The --js.intl-402 option enables ECMAScript’s Internationalization API. It expects a Boolean value and the default is true.

Strict Mode

The --js.strict option enables JavaScript's strict mode for all scripts. It expects a Boolean value and the default is false`.

Frequently Used Experimental Options #

Note that these options are experimental and are not guaranteed to be maintained or available in the future. To use them, the --experimental-options option is required upfront.

These are the frequently used experimental options:

  • --js.nashorn-compat: provide compatibility mode with the Nashorn engine. Sets ECMAScript version to 5 by default. Might conflict with newer ECMAScript versions. Boolean value, default is false.
  • --js.timezone: set the local time zone. String value, default is the system default.
  • --js.v8-compat: provide better compatibility with Google’s V8 engine. Boolean value, default is false.
  • --js.temporal: enable Temporal API.
  • --js.webassembly: enable WebAssembly API.

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