GraalVM for JDK 22.0.2


This is the July 2024 Critical Patch Update (CPU) for GraalVM Community Edition for JDK 22. It is based on the OpenJDK CPU and includes all the OpenJDK security fixes released as part of that CPU, platform updates, and some GraalVM bug fixes. It is a full distribution and supersedes the previous release of GraalVM Community Edition for JDK 22.

  • Updated the OpenJDK release on which GraalVM Community Edition is built to 22.0.2+9. See OpenJDK 22 Updates.
  • Version compatibility:
  • Graal compiler:
    • Added epsilon to more floating-point probability comparisons.
    • Fixed SIMD reinterpret stamp folding.
    • Improved Strip mining optimization to not strip mine loops with CaptureStateBegin successors.
    • Improved Counted strip mining optimization to use correct inner-to-outer state.
    • Unsigned loops that need an overflow to terminate must not be counted.
    • Properly implemented isConstantStride for masked negate strides.
  • Native Image:
    • Fixed values reported in the GCHeapSummary JFR event.
    • Disabled failing tests for the FFM API (project Panama).
    • Improved reference processing to be more robust, especially against OOME during tear-down.
    • Removed OpaqueValueNodes at the end of low tier.
    • Implemented skipping a G1 argument parsing if -H:-ParseRuntimeOptions is specified.
    • Added partial support for physical memory usage and JFR tests for periodic native events.
    • Recomputed Buffer.address field for array-based buffers in the image heap.
    • Added tests to verify the conversion function.
    • Added the runtime module layer tests.
    • Removed getpwuid in favor of getpwuid_r.
    • Fixed data limitation for breakdown charts in build reports.
    • Added a few OutOfMemoryError-related fixes.
    • Fixed a consistency issue in HeapImplMemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().
    • Made stack pointer aligned while in deoptStub.
    • Changed CCharPointer from “char” to “signed char”.
  • Truffle framework:
    • Improved the error message when a polyglot implementation is missing.
    • Disabled LoggingTest#testDisableLoggersSingleContext.
    • Improved the ContextPolicyTest#testOptionDescriptorContextReuse method to be more robust.
    • Fixed the issue when$Root.path() could not be invoked because this.owningRoot was null.
    • Fixed the issue when SpeculationReason could not be re-used after the speculate call.
  • Java on Truffle (Espresso):
    • Fixed the JDWP method invocation.
    • Fixed type converter combination for foreign exceptions and custom type converters.
    • Fixed stepping into intrinsified Java methods in JDWP.
    • Added profiling to Espresso method resolution from interop.
    • Added support for converting foreign object to a non-mapped interface.
  • JavaScript:
    • Upgraded the underlying Node.js to version 18.20.2.
    • Changed the esm-eval-returns-exports option be stable and usable in the sandbox mode.
  • Tooling
    • Updated CPUSampler to not log interrupts if the sampler is already closed, and added various other CPUSampler fixes.

GraalVM for JDK 22.0.1


This is the April 2024 Critical Patch Update (CPU) for GraalVM Community Edition for JDK 22. It is based on the corresponding OpenJDK CPU and includes all the OpenJDK security fixes released as part of that CPU, platform updates, and some bug fixes. It is a full distribution and supersedes the previous release of GraalVM Community Edition for JDK 22.

  • Updated the OpenJDK release on which GraalVM Community Edition is built to 22.0.1+8. See OpenJDK 22 Updates.
  • Version compatibility:
  • Graal compiler:
    • Removed SIMD vectorization.
    • Ensure guards are attached to MoveGuardsUpwards to respect a DOM tree.
    • Run OptimisticGuards as cleanup before OptimisticAliasingAnalysis.
    • Fixed a simplification of always-deoptimize FixedGuard.
    • Added a guard against deletion in PiNode.canonical recursion.
  • Native Image:
    • Register the virtual thread group unconditionally.
    • Updated -g to include all information for profiling. Fix the problem with objcopy strip command.
    • Fixed a deadlock in IsolateAwareTruffleCompiler.tearDownIsolateOnShutdown.
    • Report an error if building a static executable without musl libc.
    • Consider stack slot sizes when limiting number of parameters in SBOutlining.
    • Documented -O, -march, and build artifacts.
  • Truffle framework:
    • Added InsertGuardFencesPhase into runtime compilation phases.
  • Java on Truffle (Espresso):
    • Fixed NullPointerException in JDWP when debugger asks for local variable table.
    • Fixed single stepping in Espresso JDWP when stepping within code that is not yet loaded.
  • JavaScript:
    • Upgraded the underlying Node.js to version 18.19.1.
    • Added a check to the instanceof operator whether the left side is a foreign object.

GraalVM for JDK 22


Platform and Distributions

Availability of JDK 22 Features

JEP Title Graal JIT Native Image
423 Region Pinning for G1 Garbage collection already enabled during JNI critical regions
447 Statements before super(…) (Preview)
454 Foreign Function & Memory API 🧩 #8113
456 Unnamed Variables & Patterns
457 Class-File API (Preview)
458 Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs ℹ️
459 String Templates (Second Preview)
460 Vector API (Seventh Incubator) full optimization in progress 🏗️
461 Stream Gatherers (Preview)
462 Structured Concurrency (Second Preview)
463 Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Second Preview)
464 Scoped Values (Second Preview)
439 Generational ZGC (from JDK 21) 🏗️ #8117 ℹ️

✅ fully available 🧩 partially available 🏗️ not available yet, in progress ℹ️ not applicable

Java and Compiler

  • The Graal module has been renamed from jdk.internal.vm.compiler to jdk.graal.compiler. Likewise, the compiler packages moved into the jdk.graal.compiler namespace. This renaming was done in preparation for Project Galahad, and to establish the namespace jdk.graal for Graal subprojects. See #7621.
  • The Graal options now use the jdk.graal. prefix, for example, -Djdk.graal.PrintCompilation=true. The legacy graal. prefix is deprecated but still supported (for example, -Dgraal.PrintCompilation=true).
  • Added -Djdk.graal.PrintIntrinsics to log the intrinsics used by Graal in the current runtime.

Find more updates in the changelog.

Native Image

New Features

  • Added experimental support for the Foreign Function & Memory API (part of “Project Panama”, JEP 454) on the x64 architecture. The API must be explicitly enabled with -H:+ForeignAPISupport (requires also -H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions). Currently, it includes support for foreign memory functionality and foreign functions downcalls. Modules that perform “restricted” native operations must be specified using the --enable-native-access option. Check Foreign Function and Memory API in Native Image for a more detailed overview of the FFM API support.
  • The --strict-image-heap option is now enabled by default, so it can be removed from the argument list. It allows all classes to be used at build time but also requires types of all objects in the heap to be explicitly marked for build-time initialization.
  • Added support for the NATIVE_IMAGE_OPTIONS environment variable, which allows users and tools to pass additional arguments via the environment. Similar to JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the value of the environment variable is prepended to the options supplied to native-image. See GitHub issue #4650.


  • Improved the Native Image agent tracking calls mechanism: the agent now tracks calls to ClassLoader.findSystemClass, ObjectInputStream.resolveClass, and Bundles.of, and registers resource bundles as bundle name-locale pairs.
  • Updated the Lambda class name format in Native Image to CapturingClass$$Lambda/0xstableHash to be consistent with the JDK name format.
  • Improved intrinsification of method handles. This especially improves the performance of equals and hashCode methods for Java records, which use now intrinsified method handles.
  • Methods, fields, and constructors of the Java Object class, primitive classes, and array classes are now registered by default for reflection.
  • Improved reporting missing metadata in Native Image by throwing special exceptions (experimental). The users can catch metadata exceptions early and debug related issues using the -H:ThrowMissingRegistrationErrors=<package-prefix> option (or -H:ThrowMissingRegistrationErrors for all packages).
  • Improved Native Image to correctly rethrow build-time linkage errors at run time for registered reflection queries. This prevents the same queries return empty results without throwing an exception. See GitHub issue #6691.
  • System#setSecurityManager now throws a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException by default, instead of a VM error in cases where it is expected to throw an exception. This prevents from halting program execution. If the property is set to anything, but disallow at program startup, this function will throw java.lang.SecurityException according to the Java specification.

Debugging and Monitoring Improvements

  • Added support for the following JFR events: AllocationRequiringGC, SystemGC, and ThreadAllocationStatistics. See GitHub pull requests #7263 and #7294. (Together with Red Hat.)
  • Provided the API option for creating thread dumps --enable-monitoring=threaddump. The option -H:±DumpThreadStacksOnSignal is now deprecated and marked for removal.

Deprecated and Removed Functionality

  • The options ParseOnce, ParseOnceJIT, and InlineBeforeAnalysis are deprecated and no longer have any effect.
  • The legacy build option was removed from native-image-agent.

Polyglot Runtime

  • Removed support for legacy <language-id>.home system property. Only org.graalvm.language.<language-id>.home will be used.

Polyglot Embedding

  • Added the ability to use Value#as(Collection.class) to map guest language arrays, (Value#hasArrayElements()), to the Java Collection interface in order to access the array elements without copying the guest language array. Set GitHub issue #260.
  • Implemented mapping of interop buffers to byte[] in a host application, which included:
    • Added Value#readBuffer(long, byte[], int, int) to enable bulk reads of buffers into byte arrays.
    • Custom implementations of ByteSequence, same as the values returned by ByteSequence.create(byte[]), are now interpreted by guest languages as buffers.
    • Added the ability to use Value#as(ByteSequence.class) to map guest language byte buffers (Value#hasBufferElements()) to the read-only ByteSequence interface in order to access the bytes without copying the guest language buffer.
  • Deprecated the FileSystems#allowLanguageHomeAccess() method and introduced FileSystem#allowInternalResourceAccess() as a replacement. To ensure compatibility, both methods now provide support for language homes and internal resources.

Find a complete list of updates in the changelog.

JavaScript and Node.js

Java on Truffle (Espresso)

  • Added support for transparently converting common JDK exception types that flow from a host to an embedded Espresso context.
  • Added support for transparently converting host primitive arrays to Espresso primitive arrays.
  • Added support for foreign BigInteger when calling Espresso via the Interop protocol. It included also the adoption of fitsInBigInteger and asBigInteger Truffle interop messages.
  • Added support for removeArrayElement interop messages for Espresso List objects.
  • Added bringing overload-selection to parity with what is supported for calling methods when using a constructor via Interop.
  • Java on Truffle (Espresso) can now run on a JDK 22 host. Supported guest JDK versions are 8, 11, 17, and 21.


New Features

  • Switched to using the system toolchain instead of the GraalVM LLVM runtime (Sulong). This reduces the footprint in the default configuration where C extensions are run natively.
  • Added a new option python.InitialLocale to change the default locale. If not set, then Java’s Locale#getDefault is used.
  • The multiprocessing module now creates new processes by default, using the spawn method. The formerly default method that uses threads and multiple Truffle contexts can be selected using multiprocessing.set_start_method('graalpy').
  • We now provide a collection of GitHub Actions scripts to build popular native extensions on GraalPy. This enables the Python users to build native applications, in a reproducible way, with the correct dependencies on GitHub, and download artifacts from there. See Scripts to build wheels for GraalPy to get started.
  • Added the GraalPy integration with jBang. You can try it out with the following command:
      jbang hello@oracle/graalpython/release/graal-vm/24.0 "print('Hello GraalPy!')"


  • Updated to Python 3.10.13. It inlines the security and bug fixes from 3.10.8 to 3.10.13.
  • Improved Windows compatibility: added support for installing packages with native extensions on Windows. Simple packages like ujson or kiwisolver will now work when installed from venv inside a Visual Studio command prompt. This means that users can build native applications on Windows.
  • Included the GraalPy C API revision in the ABI tag for the Python wheels packaging format. This avoids accidentally using incompatible binaries when using snapshots.
  • Expanded support for the following modules: llvmlite, pydantic-core, catboost, ray, tensorflow, tensorflow-io, readme-renderer, safetensors, keras, pybind11, protbuf, grpcio, PyO3, cryptography, bcrypt, cramjam, libcst, orjson, rpds_py.


  • Improved the polyglot module by adding the API to redefine Truffle interop messages for external user-defined types. For more details see the Truffle Interoperability Extension API.
  • Interop null values are now treated as identical, not only equal to Python’s None. This means that when java.type("java.lang.Object[]")(1)[0] is None, it will return True.
  • Enabled the allowHostSocketAccess configuration in embeddings. This means sockets can now be disabled independently of other IO operations.
  • Foreign BigIntegers are now supported and work with all Numeric operators.

Find a complete list of updates in the project changelog.


New Features

  • C/C++ extensions are now compiled using the system toolchain and executed natively instead of using the GraalVM LLVM runtime (Sulong). This leads to faster startup, no warmup, better compatibility, smaller distribution, and faster installation for C/C++ extensions (#3118).
  • Added full support for the Ruby 3.2 and Ruby 3.3 syntax by adopting the Prism parser (#3117, #3039).
  • Added support for pattern matching (#3332, #2683).
  • Implemented most of Ruby 3.2 features (#3039).


  • Optimized calls with ruby2_keywords forwarding by deciding it per call site instead of per callee.

There were multiple bug fixes and compatibility improvements in this release, which you can find in the TruffleRuby release notes.


  • Made ld64.lld the default linker on macOS instead of a system linker. This fixes compatibility problems with the LLVM toolchain wrappers and Xcode 15 on macOS platforms.

Truffle Language and Tool Implementations

  • The Truffle languages and tools implementations are now loaded exclusively using the context class loader if it is set and Truffle is found there. If the context class loader is not set or Truffle is not found, then the system class loader is used instead. Context class loaders that do not delegate to the system class loader are commonly used to implement hot-reload functionality.
  • Added the --engine.AssertProbes option, which asserts that enter and return are always called in pairs on ProbeNode, and verifies the correct behavior of wrapper nodes. Java asserts need to be turned on for this option to have an effect.
  • Added a new performance warning to Truffle DSL when mixing shared and non-shared inline nodes/profiles triggers the slow path in inlining support code.
  • Added the system property -Dtruffle.UseFallbackRuntime=true. This property is preferred over the usage of
  • Added InteropLibrary#readBuffer(long, byte[], int, int) to enable bulk reads of buffers into byte arrays.
  • Implemented the onYield() and onResume() instrumentation events in the debugger stepping logic.

Find a complete list of updates in the Truffle changelog.

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