All Classes and Interfaces

Mechanism for referring to fields and methods otherwise inaccessible due to Java language access control rules.
Allows a method annotated with CField to have a value type that is narrower (smaller number of bits) than the C type.
Allows a method annotated with CField to have a value type that is wider (larger number of bits) than the C type.
This annotation allows to add additional annotations to existing methods but keep the implementation as it is.
This class provides methods to query annotation information on AnnotatedElements while trying to prevent, at image build time, side-effecting changes that impact the analysis results.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A ByteSequence is a readable sequence of byte values.
Denotes a method as a bitfield access of a C struct.
A pointer to a 8-bit C primitive value.
A pointer to a pointer to a 8-bit C primitive value.
Qualifies a C type as const in an entry-point method signature.
Denotes a method as a C constant value.
Allows access to the value of a CConstant during image generation.
Defines the context for most other annotations of the C interface: the C header files that need to be imported, the C macros that need to be defined to properly configure these headers, and additional flags that should be passed to the C compiler when analyzing the definitions.
Describes a C context.
A pointer to a C primitive 'double' value.
Annotates a method that is a VM entry point.
A BooleanSupplier that always returns true.
The built-in methods which can be aliased.
Marker interface for all exception handler classes.
Special placeholder value for CEntryPoint.exceptionHandler() to print the caught exception and treat it as a fatal error.
Designates an Isolate parameter to use as the execution context.
Designates an IsolateThread parameter to use as the execution context.
A BooleanSupplier that always returns false.
A function pointer to an entry point method that can be, for example, handed out to C code so that C code can call back into Java code.
Annotation to import a C enumeration to Java.
Provides additional properties for a field (i.e., an enumeration value) of Java enumeration annotated with CEnum.
Annotation for a method that returns the Java enumeration object for a given C integer value.
Annotation for a method that returns the C integer value for a Java enumeration object.
Denotes a method as a field access of a C struct.
Denotes a method as a field address computation of a C struct.
Denotes a method as a field offset access of a C struct.
A pointer to a C primitive 'float' value.
Denotes a native method that calls directly from Java to C, without following the JNI protocol.
Describes the thread state transition performed when the C function is invoked.
Base interface for all function pointers.
Defines the C header file for entry points enclosed by the annotated class or method.
Container for Header file properties.
A pointer to a 32-bit C primitive value.
A pointer to a pointer to a 32-bit C primitive value.
Denotes an external library that needs to be linked in.
A pointer to a 64-bit C primitive value.
Informational only.
Pointer to executable code.
A machine-word-sized value that can be compared for equality.
A polyglot context for Graal guest languages that allows to evaluate code.
Denotes Java interface that imports a C pointer type.
A pointer to a 16-bit C primitive value.
Denotes Java interface that imports a C struct.
Utility methods to convert between Java types and C types.
An auto-closable that holds a Java CharSequence as a null-terminated C char[] array.
An auto-closable that holds a Java CharSequence[] array as a null-terminated array of null-terminated C char[]s.
Defines a name for C type to be used in an entry-point method signature.
Informational only.
Qualifies a C integer type as unsigned in an entry-point method signature.
Utility methods that provide access to the current isolate.
Mechanism to ensures that an element is not used.
Memory efficient map data structure that dynamically changes its representation depending on the number of entries and is specially optimized for small number of entries.
Utility methods for the EconomicMap.
Wraps an existing Map as an EconomicMap.
Memory efficient set data structure.
An execution engine for Graal guest languages that allows to inspect the the installed guest languages, instruments and their available options.
Represents an access policy to the process environment for the guest languages of a context.
Strategy for comparing two objects.
An execution event object passed to an execution listener consumer.
Execution listeners allow to instrument the execution of guest languages.
Features allow clients to intercept the native image generation and run custom initialization code at various stages.
Access methods that are available for all feature methods.
A transformer for a field value that can be registered using Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess.registerFieldValueTransformer(Field, FieldValueTransformer).
Service-provider for Truffle files.
A selector for determining which FileSystem should handle operations on a given Path.
Methods for creating initialized, off-heap data that is shared across all isolates in a process.
A utility class to find various paths of the running GraalVM, as well as the version.
Represents the host access policy of a polyglot context.
If HostAccess.SCOPED is used, placing this annotation on an exported host function excludes it from parameter scoping, i.e.
Annotation used by the predefined HostAccess.EXPLICIT access policy to mark public constructors, methods and fields in public classes that should be accessible by the guest application.
Allows guest language to implement a Java type.
List of default host object mappings of mutable target types available in
Represents the precedence of a target type mapping.
Utility class to retrieve information about the context in which code gets executed.
A key-value store of singleton objects.
Injects the annotated field into the TargetClass.
Inject accessor methods for the field denoted using an Alias annotation.
A handle for an instrument installed in an engine.
Annotation for an invocation method defined in a sub-interface of CFunctionPointer.
Represents an IO access configuration of a polyglot context.
Builder to create a custom IO access configuration.
Pointer to the runtime data structure for an isolate.
Support for the creation, access to, and tear-down of isolates.
Parameters for the creation of an isolate.
Builder for a Isolates.CreateIsolateParameters instance.
An exception thrown in the context of managing isolates.
Identifies a protection domain for an isolate.
Pointer to the runtime data structure for a thread.
If a class annotated with TargetClass is also annotated with Substitute, all non-substituted methods in that class are by default treated as deleted.
A handle for a Graal language installed in an engine.
The class loader used to load the Graal and JVMCI classes compiled into libgraal implements this interface to provide extra information about the libgraal classes.
LibGraal specific extensions to org.graalvm.nativeimage.
Marker interface for location identities.
Concurrent lock-free pool data structure.
Thread-safe and lock-free prefix-tree implementation in which keys are sequences of 64-bit values, and the values are 64-bit values.
Policy for allocating objects of the lock-free prefix tree.
Allocator that allocates objects directly on the managed heap.
Allocator that internally maintains several pools of preallocated objects, and allocates objects from those pools.
Low-level handler for log messages of native images.
Cursor to iterate over a mutable map.
An endpoint representing one side of message transport.
Allows to take over transport of message communication initiated by an instrument.
Thrown when a transport connection is vetoed.
This exception is thrown when a JNI query tries to access an element that was not registered for JNI access in the program.
This exception is thrown when a reflective query (such as Class.getMethod(String, Class[])) tries to access an element that was not registered for reflection in the program.
The opaque representation of a handle to a Java object given out to unmanaged code.
Manages a set of ObjectHandles.
Categorizes options according to user relevance.
Represents metadata for a single option.
An interface to a set of OptionDescriptors.
Represents the option key for an option specification.
Represents a mapping between String keys and values.
Categorizes options according to their stability.
Represents a type of an option that allows to convert string values to Java values.
Represents a set of option values based on an OptionDescriptor.
Utility class representing a pair of values.
Holder for a pinned object, such that the object doesn't move until the pin is removed.
Root of the interface hierarchy for architectures, OS, and supported combinations of them.
Supported architecture: ARMv8 64-bit.
Supported architecture: x86 64-bit.
Supported operating system: Android.
Supported leaf platform: Android on AArch64 64-bit.
Basis for all Apple operating systems (MacOS and iOS).
Basis for all Apple operating systems on AMD64 (MACOS_AMD64 & IOS_AMD64).
Basis for all Apple operating systems on AMD64 (MACOS_AMD64 & IOS_AMD64).
Marker for elements (types, methods, or fields) that are only visible during native image generation and cannot be used at run time, regardless of the actual platform.
Supported operating system: iOS.
Supported leaf platform: iOS on AArch 64-bit.
Supported leaf platform: iOS on x86 64-bit.
Supported operating system: Linux.
Supported leaf platform: Linux on AArch64 64-bit.
Basis for all Linux operating systems on AARCH64 (LINUX_AARCH64 & ANDROID_AARCH64).
Supported leaf platform: Linux on x86 64-bit.
Basis for all Linux operating systems on AMD64 (LINUX_AMD64).
Supported leaf platform: Linux on RISC-V 64-bit.
Supported operating system: MacOS.
Supported leaf platform: MacOS on AArch 64-bit.
Supported leaf platform: MacOS on x86 64-bit.
Supported architecture: RISC-V 64-bit.
Supported operating system: Windows.
Supported leaf platform: Windows on AArch 64-bit.
Supported leaf platform: Windows on x86 64-bit.
Restricts the annotated element (type, method, or field) to the specified Platform groups.
Lowest-level memory access of native C memory.
Marker interface for all word types that have the semantic of a pointer (but not necessarily all the memory access methods defined in Pointer).
Represents an access policy for polyglot builtins in the guest languages.
A polyglot exception represents errors that contain Graal guest languages on the stack trace.
Service-provider for guest languages process builder.
Subprocess attributes passed to start method.
Represents a source of subprocess input or a destination of subprocess output.
Utility class to get and set properties of the OS process at run time.
Proxy interfaces allow to mimic guest language objects, arrays, executables, primitives and native objects in Graal languages.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language arrays.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that represents dates.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that represents durations.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that are executable.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language hash maps.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that represents timestamps.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that are instantiable.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language iterables.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language iterators.
Interface to be implemented to mimic native pointers.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that contain members.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that represents times.
Interface to be implemented to mimic guest language objects that represents timezones.
Denotes a method as a field access of a structured C memory.
Denotes a method as a field address computation of a RawStructure.
Denotes a method as a field offset access of a RawStructure.
Denotes a Java interface that is a pointer to a RawStructure.
Denotes Java interface that represents C memory, but without a C struct definition.
Supported API is available to replace this non-API annotation: Use Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess.registerFieldValueTransformer(Field, FieldValueTransformer).
A pointer which is relocated when the native image is loaded at runtime.
Event triggered by a resource limit for a context.
Represents resource limits configuration that is used to configure contexts.
This class provides methods that can be called during native-image building to configure class initialization behavior.
This class provides methods that can be called during native image generation to register classes, methods, and fields for JNI access at run time.
Used for manipulating options at run time.
This class can be used to make creating dynamic proxy classes at run time valid.
This class provides methods that can be called during native image generation to register classes, methods, and fields for reflection at run time.
This class can be used to register Java resources and ResourceBundles that should be accessible at run time.
This class provides methods that can be called before and during analysis, to register classes for serialization at image runtime.
This class provides methods that can be called during native image generation to define system property setting for image runtime.
The sandbox policy presets and validates configurations of a context or engine to be suitable as a code sandbox.
Thread-safe prefix-tree implementation in which keys are sequences of 64-bit values, and the values are 64-bit values.
Represents a signed word-sized value.
Contains static methods that provide access to the size of dereferenced SystemJava pointer types (i.e.
Representation of a source code unit and its contents that can be evaluated in an execution context.
Description of contiguous section of text within a Source of program code.; supports multiple modes of access to the text and its location.
Contains static methods for memory allocation in the stack frame.
When used to annotate a method, it indicates that a method declaration is intended to be a substitute for a method declaration in another class.
A class annotated with this annotation denotes a class that modifies methods of fields of another class, called the "original" class.
The default value for the TargetClass.onlyWith() attribute.
Marker value for TargetClass.classLoader() that no custom classloader should be used.
Marker value for TargetClass.classNameProvider() that no class name provider should be used.
Specifies additional properties for an element also annotated with Alias, Delete, Substitute, AnnotateOriginal, or KeepOriginal.
Functionality related to execution in threads.
Interface that a callback handler needs to implement.
Provides methods that are available during the execution of a Threading.RecurringCallback.
Represents a generic type T.
A CField also annotated with this annotation gets a unique LocationIdentity assigned, i.e., reads and writes do not interfere with reads and writes to any other field and are optimized without regarding other fields.
Contains static methods that allow allocate/free of unmanaged memory, i.e., memory that is not under the control of the garbage collector.
Unmodifiable memory efficient map.
Unmodifiable memory efficient set data structure.
Cursor to iterate over a map without changing its contents.
Represents an unsigned word-sized value.
Represents a polyglot value that can be accessed using a set of language agnostic operations.
Enum like class representing the supported string encodings.
A version utility to canonicalize and compare GraalVM versions.
Used for doing VM runtime operations.
A void* pointer to an opaque C value of an unknown type, without any methods to read or write.
The root of the interface hierarchy for machine-word-sized values.
Provides factory method to create machine-word-sized values.
A untyped C pointer to any machine-word-sized value, e.g., a pointer to another pointer or a pointer to a UnsignedWord or SignedWord value.