Class LibGraalRuntime


public final class LibGraalRuntime extends Object
LibGraal specific extensions to org.graalvm.nativeimage.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    fatalError(String message)
    Called to signal a fatal, non-recoverable error.
    static long
    Gets an identifier for the current isolate that is guaranteed to be unique for the first 2^64 - 1 isolates in the process.
    static void
    notifyLowMemoryPoint(boolean suggestFullGC)
    Notifies the runtime that the caller is at a point where the live set of objects is expected to just have decreased significantly and now is a good time for a partial or full collection.
    static void
    Enqueues pending References into their corresponding ReferenceQueues and executes pending cleaners.

    Methods inherited from class Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • processReferences

      public static void processReferences()
      Enqueues pending References into their corresponding ReferenceQueues and executes pending cleaners. If automatic reference handling is enabled, this method is a no-op.
    • notifyLowMemoryPoint

      public static void notifyLowMemoryPoint(boolean suggestFullGC)
      Notifies the runtime that the caller is at a point where the live set of objects is expected to just have decreased significantly and now is a good time for a partial or full collection.
      suggestFullGC - if a GC is performed, then suggests a full GC is done. This is true when the caller believes the heap occupancy is close to the minimal set of live objects for Graal (e.g. after a compilation).
    • getIsolateID

      public static long getIsolateID()
      Gets an identifier for the current isolate that is guaranteed to be unique for the first 2^64 - 1 isolates in the process.
    • fatalError

      public static void fatalError(String message)
      Called to signal a fatal, non-recoverable error. This method does not return or throw an exception but calls the HotSpot fatal crash routine that produces an hs-err crash log.
      message - a description of the error condition